How to Learn Old English

Who are fans of the English language, there are ways to get closer to its roots, Learning Old English, also known as Anglo-Saxons. With the correct resources and some hard work, you can learn it well sufficient to read Beowulf in the original, writes poetry Anglo-Saxon bards and impress all medievalists happen to know.
learn old English language

how to learn old English

  • Learn Old English alphabet. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to look online. Learning the letters should not take you much time because there are only a few characters that are not used in current English.
  • Buying an old English dictionary. You can use the online dictionary, if you want, but paper bound versions usually come with good editorial notes and reliably.
  • Buying old English grammar guide for studying the structure and rules of language. "An Old English Grammar by Quirk and Wrenn is a good choice, but something put language in an easy to get to and comprehensive way will do.
  • Find and read some more easily in Old English literature. If you are a student at a college or university, be sure to check your library for anthologies of Old English prose and poetry. If you do not have access to the kind of research library for "Anglo-Saxon Reader Sweet" in online bookstores.
  • Try to read more difficult material to learn more words. Beowulf is a classic and elegiac laments as "Wanderer" and "Seafarers."
  • Consider taking a college course in Old English language and literature. Access to learning materials designed specifically for the course can really help you understand difficult grammar and literary ideas that can fight on your own.

List of Long Words And their Meanings

List of Long Words and their Meanings.

Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or having a bath.
Automatonophobia: One having fear about dummies, animatronic creature, statues of wax.
Autotonsorialist: A person who cuts his own hair.
Arachibutyrophobia: One having fear about peanut butter sticking to the mouth roof.
Automysophobia: A person who has a fear of getting dirty.
Batrachophagous: A person who eats frogs.
Ballistocardiograph: An instrument which is used to detect body. movememnts caused by heartbeats.
Blandiloquence: A flattery or complimentary speech.
Brachydactylous: Having short and blunt fingers.
Bathythermograph: An instrument that is used for recording water temperature as compared to depth.
Cacodemomania: It is a pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit.
Caesaropapism: A secular ruler having control of the church.
Catapedamania: Having an obsession with jumping from high places.
Cheiloproclitic: One who is attracted to lips.
Chronosynchronicity: Presenting a persons life in all the stages through a single piece of art.
Dendrochronology: The study of tree rings.
Deorsumversion: Turning downwards.
Dermatoglyphics: It is the study of fingerprints and skin patterns.
Dolichocephalic: Long-headed.
Dysmorphophobia: Having fear of physical deformities.
Ellogofusciouhipoppokunurious: Good.
Electroencephalograph: An instrument for measuring the brain's electrical impulses.
Epiphenomenalism: Doctrine that mental processes are epiphenomena of brain activity.
Electrodynamometer: An instrument for measuring electrical current.
Electroencephalogram: A graphical record of electrical activity of the brain.
Floccinaucinihilipilification: Setting at little or no value.
Fantasticalness: The quality of being fantastic.
Flagelliferous: Bearing a whip or flagellum.
Fibriophobia: Having fear of fever.
Frumentaceous: Resembling wheat or other grain.
Gynotikolobomassophile: One nibbling on women's earlobes.
Germanophilia: The love or fondness for Germany or for the Germans.
Gluconeogenesis: Production of glucose from non-carbohydrates.
Graminivorous: Feeding on grass or cereals.
Grammaticaster: A piddling grammarian.
Haematogenesis: Production of blood.
Haussmannize: To open out or to rebuild.
Helioseismology: A study of sun's interior by observing its surface oscillations.
Honorificabilitudinity: Honorableness.
Hydrometeorology: The study of atmospheric moisture.
Iatromathematics: Archaic practice of medicine in conjunction with astrology.
Ichthyophagous: Fish-eating.
Immunopathology: A study of immunity to disease.
Interramification: Interweaving of branches.
Incomprehensibleness: Impossible to know or fathom.
Juglandaceous:Liking or pertaining to walnuts.
Japanophobia- Fear of Japanese.
Juglandaceous: Liking or pertaining to walnuts.
Japanophilia: Love or admiration for Japan or the Japanese.
Kakorrhaphiophobia: Having fear of failure.
Kephalonomancy: Divination using a baked ass's head.
Katathermometer: Instrument for measuring the cooling power of air.
Kosmikophobia: Having fear of cosmic phenomenon.
Keraunophobia (or Ceraunophobia): Fear of lighting and thunder.
Logizomechanophobia: Having fear of computers.
Libanotophorous: Producing incense.
lepidopterology: A study about butterflies and moths.
lautenclavicymbel: Lute harpsichord with gut strings.
latitudinarianism: Doctrine of broad liberality in religious belief or conduct.
Medomalacuphobia: Fear of losing an erection.
Macrocephalous: Having a large head.
Margaritomancy: Divination using pearls.
Maschalephidrosis: Massive sweating of the armpits.
Micropalaeontology: Is a study of microscopic fossils.
Nucleomituphobia: Fear of nuclear weapons.
Neopharmaphobia: Fear of new drugs.
Nyctohylophobia: Fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night.
Nigroglobulate: The act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.
Neurophysiologically: The branch of physiology that deals with the functions of the nervous system.
Oneirogmophobia: Fear of wet dreams.
Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at.
Otorhinolaryngology: It is a study of ear, nose and throat.
Orphanotrophism: Care and support of orphans.
Ophthalmoscope: Instrument for viewing the interior of the eye.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia: Fear of Friday the 13th.
Palaeoanthropology: The study of early humans.
Penecontemporaneous: Of geological processes occurring immediately after deposition.
Pneumatophilosophy: Philosophy of spirits or the spirit world.
Podobromhydrosis: Smelly feet.
Quadragesimarian: One who observes Lent.
Quomodocunquize: Making money in any possible way.
Quoddamodotative: Existing in a certain manner.
Quinquagenarian: Person between the ages of 50 and 59.
Quasquicentennial: One hundred twenty-fifth anniversary.

Rhabdophobia: Fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod, or of being severely criticized.
Radiometeorograph: An instrument for measuring atmospheric conditions at high altitude.
Rhinotillexomania: Compulsive nose picking.
Representationalism: Doctrine that ideas rather than external objects are basis of knowledge.
Radappertization: Treatment of food with ionizing radiation to kill bacteria.
Siderodromophobia: Fear of trains, railroads or train travel.
Spermatophobia or Spermophobia: The fear of germs.
Sacramentarianism: Belief that sacraments have unusual properties.
Spectroheliokinematograph: Camera for taking pictures of the sun.
Sphygmomanometer: An instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure.
Telephonophobia: Fear of telephones.
Theologicophobia: Fear of theology.
Triskaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 13.
Thanatognomonic: Indicating or characteristic of death.
Theophilanthropism: Love of both God and humanity.
Triboluminescence: Emission of light caused by friction.
Ultramicroscope: An instrument for viewing extremely small objects.
Umbraculiform: Shaped like an umbrella.
Ubiquitarianism: Belief that Christ is everywhere.
Unconsentaneous: Not in agreement.
Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women.
Verminophobia: Fear of germs.
Vitricophobia: Fear of step-father.
Volumenometer: An instrument for measuring volume of a solid.
Voicespondence: Correspondence by means of recorded oral messages.
Walloonphobia: Fear of the Walloons.
Whereinsoever: In whatsoever respect or place.
Weatherometer: Instrument for measuring weather-resisting properties of paint.
Xenodocheionology: Love of hotels.
Xanthophobia: Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Xenoglossophobia: Fear of foreign languages.
Xeroradiography: Process for taking permanent pictures of X-ray images.
Xanthocyanopsy: Form of color-blindness in which only blue and yellow can be distinguished.
Yogibogeybox: Materials used by a spiritualist.
Yarborough: Hand of cards containing no card above nine.
Yarnwindle: Tool for winding yarn into a ball.
Yeomanette: Old term for a female yeoman in the American naval reserve.
Yttriferous: Bearing yttrium.
Zemmiphobia: Fear of the great mole rat.
Zalambdodont: Having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges.
Zeusophobia: Fear of God or gods.
Zenzizenzizenzic: Eighth power of a number.
Zeugmatography: Imaging using nuclear magnetic resonance to study soft tissue.
Zalambdodont: Having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges.

English Reading Problems And Solutions

How to help children with reading problems: Introduction

There are many ways how to help children with reading problems. The seemingly simple task of reading is anything but simple. We see a word, a complex set of processes - physical, neurological and cognitive - is set in motion, enabling us to convert print into meaning. Nerve impulses from our eyes stimulates the area near the back of the brain that allows us to see the light and dark areas on the page that define each letter. Another area of the brain allows us to convert letters into sounds and these sounds in the language. Finally, another part of the brain becomes jumble of words in a sentence into something meaningful that we can interpret. When a child starts school, reading becomes an essential way of life. Reading is a tool for understanding the world and basic skill necessary for success. But this is a skill that takes years to develop fully.

How to help children with reading problems: Assessment

How to help children with reading problems is an ongoing process. Supporting children who struggle with reading begins with understanding the difficulties that are hindering them. A reading difficulty is a breakdown somewhere in the process of learning to read. However, different difficulties are as individual as each child, and other factors may be related. Because there are so many interrelated neuro developmental and physical tasks related to reading, finding the problem can not be easy. Research on child and consultation with teachers, reading specialists, and others will help greatly in understanding what the issues are.

How to help children with reading problems: Solutions

A great way for parents to understand how to help children with reading problems is to schedule a parent-teacher meeting to share information about your child. Sharing the grounds of the profile of your child reading skills and discuss where the breakdown occurs is very important. The distribution may be decoding, comprehension or retention. Difficulties in attention, language processing and memory may affect the child's reading ability. Identification and discussion of the strengths of your child's interests and is important in this process. Discussing how this approach works for your child, monitoring and evaluation of accommodations and interventions, such as extra time or individual training also helps in this process.

Five English Words Which You often Misspell

We often misspell some general English words. Here, I'm telling you five words you need to stop misspelling.

1. (a) Lose: Lose is the opposite of win.
(b) Loose: It means 'not tight'.

2. (a) It's: This is a contraction for it is or it has. For Example: It is/It's a cow. It has one tail.
(b) Its: Use this when one thing owns another. For Example: It is its tongue.

3. (a) Definitely: It's Definitely not Definately.

4. (a) Then: It is used for time. For Example: First I stole money, then we enjoyed together.
(b) Than: Than is used for comparison. For Example: I'm taller than you.

5. A Lot: It's not alot, it's a lot. Always give space between a and lot.

Conversation between a student and a teacher - How to get a smart personality

Student: I'd like to have smart people. How can I get it?

Teacher: Do you know what is personality?

Student: Yes. If you look good-looking means we have a good personality.

Teacher: This is a half order. There are two types of personality. One is the inner person and the second is the outer personality.

Student: What do you mean by inner personality?

Teacher: Inner personality means that behavior, your manner and your cleverness.

Student: What is a foreign person?

Teacher: Foreign person means that physical appearance.

Student: Which personality is more important?

Teacher: Both are equally important. They are like two sides that can not be separated.

Student: How can I improve my inner person ?

Teacher: That's a spot difficult to improve the inner person. Improving internal personality is a time consuming job, but could be improved. Reading the newspaper, watch informational programs and is intelligent and positive people.

Student: How can I improve my outer person?

Teacher: It is very easy to improve the outer personality. You smart haircut.

Student: What hairstyle should I keep?

Teacher: Any good hair stylist can guide you which hairstyle to keep. Wear good clothes.

Student: Do I need to buy expensive clothes?

Teacher: Good clothes need not be expensive. Good clothing means clothing that suits you. You should wear clothes which are comfortable and confident.

Student: How do I know if I look good or not?

Teacher: You can take your friends for shopping. They can surely guide you. You can also take the opinion of a dress designer.

Student: I think if we act on your advice I would surely get a good personality.

Teacher: What are you waiting for? Start working to have a good character.

How to Prepare For a Great Speech

What is the idea of your speech? To inform? To influence? To entertain? Once you know the main purpose of his speech you can start to prepare for your speech. Anyone who can speak for five minutes. The problem is leaning how to stop for five minutes and still have full speech. Before we begin, let me outline four key steps to prepare, which are explained in detail below.

1. Where to start?

In examining speech, decide what your goals are and given all their preparations. For example, if you submit a funny speech, will be looking for funny stories that you can use. If you want to inspire, you have inspiring stories etc. 
Most of the time will have to find a small niche in the theme and build your speech around it. Trying to go too wide will make a speech boring and too long. Two or three ideas are the most that can be transmitted in a short speech. In some cases, better keep him on an idea with a few points. I'm trying to say too much just make you have to talk really fast and still not get the topic covered. You can run your idea to talk to the person who makes the call, just to be sure that you understood what was expected.

2. What can I say?

Now, when we decided what we are talking about, let's put the ideas into a logical structure. What aspects of your topic to talk, and more importantly, you will not miss? Most topics contain enough information for a series of presentations, so unless we're talking about a very specific question, you'll need to do some pruning.

3. What is best to use?

The best way is to start by recording all aspects of the topic, and then slow them structuring of the main points you would like to find and decide which points will be discarded.

With knowledge of the areas in which you want to improve public speaking you can start to improve in these areas before your next speech. This can be done through training and also through visualization.

4. How can I really get results with this presentation?

Eye Contact - Using natural, direct eye contact helps the audience feel connected with you.
Gestures - gestures can help you paint pictures with words, but make sure you do not get in the way and they are natural.
Enthusiasm - Be enthusiastic. If I do not care, because your audience? Your enthusiasm builds enthusiasm of the audience.
Bias - Show your words clearly so that the members of your audience will understand
Breathe - Breathing helps you control anxiety. It also gives you time to gather his thoughts. Remember that a pause can be used to provide care.
Posture - posture conveys confidence
Language - Use appropriate language and be careful not to use it without words and fillers such as "um" and "uh" too often.
Smile - a smile will not only make you look and feel better, but to your viewers more receptive.

Finally, Do not leave the podium immediately after having finished his speech. Number 15 in your head before leaving the podium. If there is an opportunity for questions, it always engages the audience more to respond to the podium than to return to sitting position and try to answer question.

Call Center Interview Preparation

There are some different types of work in call center. In principle, this work can be divided into outgoing and incoming calls, while some positions to deal with both. Outgoing calls means that call customers or sales prospects donations to solicit orders or appointments. Incoming calls means that you are taking calls from customers to answer questions and troubleshooting information. Interview or the position requires many of the same skills and answer such questions.


Prepare for the interview call center, be sure your resume is in order, detailing relevant experience and skills. The employer will be looking for you to enter a total of more than 30 words per minute, have basic computer knowledge, strong communication skills and experience in customer service or sales. Be prepared to answer any discrepancies in your resume, such as if you have gaps in your service. Responses should be brief and the merits.

Outbound Call Expectations

By reading the job description and study what the company does, you should be able to get a better idea of what your work will bring the concerns of the employer. If it is a company that does telemarketing sales of printer consumables, the employer would want to know about his past experience in other telemarketing centers call. It will ask you questions such as how many calls you make per day, which is near the average rate was and how it compared with their peers.

Inbound Call Waiting
For a company that incoming calls service, the employer will ask you questions about previous software and database of customers worked with, how you handle complaints, how long have you done to resolve customer issues and to familiarize with the services the company offers .

The Examples Cited
Before the interview, try to recall specific examples which display skills in resolving incoming calls and / or calling prospects and getting appointments or sales. Do not forget to remember numbers and facts. For example, if for the first time launched a new incoming call position and won the Employee of the month to resolve an average of 20 calls per day, you should be able to cite it as an example, if you ask any questions about their ability to learn new skills, ability to quickly solve their customers' needs and the way in comparison with other workers at the call center.

Gathering Information

Ask friends and former colleagues for interview last such call center. Try to get all the details such as length of call, specific questions were asked if there was testing skills or simply sit down interview.

Use your Imagination

Put yourself in the employer and try to think of some questions that I would like to ask a person you were about to hire. Write these questions on a stack of index cards. After the questions go through one by one and write a clear, concise answer back. Go through the pile of questions several times, asking myself questions and trying to answer without looking back. Once you have answered written questions read to make sure you covered the main points that need to.

How to Build Confidence in Speaking English

 The best way to build confidence with the English language is to practice what they have learned. Ideally, this will start in the classroom setting. If you teach online, this can be dense. However, if management is available through Skype, there may be some opportunity to learn English online. For example, an oral test with the teacher can build trust before you try out in bare ground. Another body is to consider calls. They are sometimes simpler than face to face meetings and to build trust when it comes a new language.
Sometimes it is the very class that builds confidence. If you know English, but are self-conscious of their skills and are wondering how to build confidence in English, may consider taking an online English direction. It can help your feel more in control of your words. It works by increasing your knowledge of the language clean. The best way to build trust in each subject is to increase knowledge.

Online English courses may be taken in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Although there are options that are not related to the interaction, as pre-recorded video, they are not always the best optionstThere are big advantages to take speaking English direction over Skype. These instructors are trained how to build confidence in learning a fresh language. They are dazzling at showing you where you are doing well and where demand for some jobs. They can also check or test to assess what level of assistance to English speaking reached.
Following path is to practice speaking English in public places. Starting out small in order in a restaurant. Another place that can help the Church. Wherever you feel comfortable and look good to people, is an excellent place to check the skills of English speaking. Some people are shy when wondering how to build confidence in English speaking and do not want to aid investigation. However, coach or counselor can be a fantastic help in this area. Do not let pride get the best for you. To represent this sign to go to places that speaks English only. While this may be a dampener of confidence in one hand, a sense of pride when you are able to communicate with them is priceless. This is a technique that is often overlooked when trying to figure out how to build confidence in English. Although this may seem counter productive as failure is an opportunity, but it may also be a incredible motivator.

Test your English level for free

When we learn English, it is important to keep track of our performance and progress. We need to evaluate ourselves, whether we learn or not.

This is why testing is important. In this article, we share an English test to find out free at our level. It can be used to assess knowledge, know where the study. Many students do in an institution or learning center study does not start in the early levels. You want to skip some steps and to pay less.If study you have a bad result at a placement test in English, that means you spend more time and money to study. For this reason, many students study on their own first. This free placement test helps you know what level you are, so you start with the preparation.
If you are a student who is not in an institution or learning center studies, it is important to know what level you are in. If you do not know your level, you can not have a plan. You will not know the book you buy and you'll never know if you are learning or not. Tests and help us create a plan and a strategy for learning English.

Test your English is the language of Sydney Centre offers a placement test in English or free placement test. The format is simple, and it contains a section to hear. Just visit the link at the bottom of this post and take the free online English assessment test.

LINK: Test your English for free - English level test

Tips to Improve Your Speaking Voice

Speak one of the main components of the population, is the sound of your voice. It influences the impact of your message and could make or break the success of your speech. Fortunately for many people, good voice quality can be learned.

Instructions: Breathe from your diaphragm - exhaling a long practice and controlled. When you speak, use breath to support your position. For example, take a deep breath at the end of every sentence if you need it or not. Take this opportunity to pause and let the listeners absorb what you say. 

Pitch use - Lower Austria to hear pitches that are generally reassuring. However, the modulation of your yard to keep the focus will your audience. Expand your location by practicing humming. 

Moderate your volume - Determine if you speak too loudly or too softly. If you start talking, ask the audience how your volume (each situation is different) is. Try to get the right volume to stay during your speech. 

Moderate your pace - it is also closely linked to respiration. If you speak too fast, can not keep up with the people. If you speak slowly, people lose interest. Take your question to determine if you should change your pace. Get feedback from others. 

Articulate - Try exaggerating your lip movements to reduce snoring. Practice articulating tongue twisters and extending and exaggerating vowels. Become an expert at articulating tongue twisters as quickly and forcefully as possible. Focus on those you find. 

Practice your speech in advance and determine where you want to catch my breath. Other focal points, a break of more than a breath. Mark your breathing points in your notes. 

Disconnect before beginning. Look both ways. Roll your head in semi-circles and roll your shoulders back. Move your chest from one side to another. Yawn. Stretch. Tap your toes while completely relaxing the upper body up, then slowly, one vertebra at a time increase, keep your head.Repeat as necessary. 

Attitudes - Stand tall and large for total lung capacity and air circulation. 

Record your voice repeated with different types of speech. Determine what is most rewarding. 

Practice breath control - Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, count to 10 (or recite the months or days of the week). Try gradually increasing the volume that you are not using your abdominal muscles and neck for the volume. Do not be tense in the larynx.

Learn English Vocabulary with Software Programs

Want to learn English quickly? Besides being an online course or program in a language course, you can English dictionary software. These programs are designed to include words and phrases from dictionaries and give the user the basics needed to learn English. Here is a quick guide on how to learn English faster while using a dictionary software program.
1. Get a program with an extensive library of words. This is important because you will need to expand your vocabulary and improve pronunciation. Ideally, the program must have a very large list of words in the Oxford Dictionary of English. This dictionary is well known internationally and is the one most often used by English schools, reference materials.

2. Complete the sentence-building exercises. If you use this type of exercise you will learn how to build a set using words and phrases included in the list. This is a great way to improve your vocabulary and will fill the gaps in a block of new words that have just learned.

3. Practice your lessons. You can say the words aloud, and write them in sentences. If you are not with the English dictionary software program of activities, guides, or index cards, try to time the lessons learned to make practice. The more words and phrases that have been trained, the better are communicating in English.

4. Create custom lists word. You have the opportunity to study the word list to create prints. English vocabulary software programs are designed with a huge database of words from dictionaries and thesauruses. If you make a list of word corresponding to the words you would like to write and practice. This method is an effective way to improve their English skills in the shortest time.

5. Learn root words. If you know the root of the word, you can easily expand your vocabulary, because the basic sense, which will include course. It also helps in the discussions very long words, how to use the word tribe. Understanding the root word is one of the best ways to know English more quickly.

6. Create index cards. There are programs designed for interactive Flashcards. To use these index cards, on everything you need to do is be a word or phrase "point and click on it and the definition of the object will be created. You can program the software to make your own flash cards printed from Word or situated on a small sheet of paper and write the definition on the back of the paper. This can be used as a memory aid. He is also a good way to reference materials to contribute.

Use these tips to help you learn English quickly. English vocabulary software programs have helped to improve many people speak English, but you should know that learning English as a second language, it depends entirely on words. To learn English as a second language, you can improve your grammar, among others.

Recent studies show that people better with a good English dictionary at work and at school than those with smaller vocabularies. In these modern times everyone can improve your vocabulary using a dictionary software that helps to increase vocabulary about 100 times faster than traditional training methods.